GOT YOUR BACK Fund Services Certified under ISAE 3402

As part of our commitment to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement, as well as to ensure confidence in our controls and compliance, GotYourBack Fund Services AB has obtained an ISAE 3402 Type 1 certification. The certification is a first step in a recurring process to have our internal controls evaluated and certified and will be followed by a Type 2 certification.

The ISAE 3402 Type 1 report is an assessment that evaluates the design and implementation of a service organization's internal controls at a specific point in time. The certification demonstrates that GOT YOUR BACK has established robust internal controls that are effectively mitigating risks associated with the fund services it provides to its clients.

Apart from providing assurance that outsourced services are adequately monitored, clients’ auditors will be able to rely on our ISAE 3402 reports, resulting in a more efficient audit process.

About ISAE 3402

The International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) number 3402, "Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organisation," was introduced by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) to provide a standardized approach for reporting on the controls at service organizations like GOT YOUR BACK. The standard is widely recognized and respected in the financial industry and serves as a benchmark for service quality.

Contact Information

For further details, please reach out to Axel Widén, Client Manager,, or Tommy Åhlén, Director Operations,